June 2024 Quarterly Update

Orcoda ASX ODA

Q4 FY24 Highlights:

  • Total income of $5.5 million, +5% vs previous corresponding period (“pcp”) and grew 5% from the last quarter, driven by strong performance in Future Fleet and growing recurring revenues
  • Customer receipts of $5.3 million does not include ~$0.7 million trade receivable payments due in the Quarter which were received on 2 July 2024
  • Proforma operating cash inflows of $0.4 million
  • Strong full year FY24 financial performance, with record full year total income and customer receipts:
    • Total income $25.2 million, +21% vs FY23
    • Proforma customer receipts $27.3 million, +22% vs FY23
    • Proforma operating cash flows $2.7 million, in-line with FY23
  • Proforma cash and cash equivalents of $4.6 million and available working capital at 30 June 2024
  • Underlying FY24 annual net cash inflows of $1.3 million, after adjusting for the late trade receivable payments, one-off Betta Group relocation costs and cash paid for the Future Fleet acquisition

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