Resource Logistics

Integrates digital systems, contracting and management expertise to process data into a real time digital platform through the Onboarding, Mobilisation and Worksite phases of managing workers through their workplace life-cycle.

ORCODA’s Resource Logistics contracts, manages and digitally connects major projects in Oil and Gas, Mining and Infrastructure. ORCODA Workforce Logistics System (OWLS) is a digital platform that enables control over entire workforces across all phases and respective project lifecycles across project personnel, contractors and suppliers. To achieve optimal efficiency when managing the mobilisation of large workforces, we bring together a combination of management, contracting experience and technology to automate and simplify the complexity of mass workforce deployments. We continue to contract, manage and digitally connect projects in Oil and Gas, Mining and Major Infrastructure in the fields of Construction, Maintenance and Operations.

Resource Logistics – Case Study

PROJECT: Mine Shutdown – Minset


  • To increase workforce
    management logistics efficiency
  • Support a step change
    in workforce logistics


  • Reduced administration time and
    effort and handling errors
  • Enabled live workforce compliance
    through automated updates e.g.
    accreditations, qualifications and
  • Created future efficiency with
    workforce data to be rolled over
    to other projects


  • The tailored solution could manage data using existing system language to share databases between site management and external parties
  • The ORCODA Management System provided immediate visibility of the on-boarding process with automated notifications

“We are excited to be partnering with ORCODA to implement their digital products to optimise shutdowns across mines that we work on. We know this is an important evolution in improving shutdown performance across the resources industry, and we were impressed at the ORCODA Management System digital platform’s ability to deliver the outcomes required to improve efficiency on a recently completed shutdown project.”

Andrew Attrill,
Minset Director

Transport Infrastructure

ORCODA owns The Betta Group, who are  Central Queensland’s most trusted Civil, Electrical and Infrastructure Contractor


The Betta Group is a locally grown Australian company and has been operating for over 17 years. Providing a full range of infrastructure, industrial, commercial and domestic electrical services to the greater Central Queensland area.

⇒ A safety-first driven company (ISO accredited)

⇒ Long term qualified, effective & efficient team members

⇒ Agents for major brands

⇒ Dedicated team of over 50 staff

⇒ Fleet of fully equipped vehicles

⇒ Long term relationships within the local community, government & companies


The Betta Group are integral to ORCODA’s smart cities vision in their capability to build the infrastructure required to develop smart cities.

Watch Our Video

Using our digital platform, management and contracting services, ORCODA can improve the efficiency and reliability of managing your workforce logistic requirements.
